We invite you to contribute to our initiative to provide computational and visualization tools to translate climate changes into biological impacts for organisms. We hope to leverage and disseminate existing resources and request your assistance with two initiatives (described below). We intend the project to represent the research community, so please share our invitation to contribute or suggest others who may want to contribute.


Code and images can be contributed via Github, GoogleDrive, or as an email attachment to huckley@uw.edu. Please let us know if you would like to maintain any use or sharing restrictions. Contributors will be acknowledged and contributions will be attributed. Please get in touch to discuss any contribution ideas.

1. Functions for a biophysical modelling R package

We aim to create an R package (TrenchR) encompassing resources for assessing the impact of the environment on organisms. The package will build off and integrate with existing packages (e.g., NicheMapR). Code (scripts and functions) will be accepting in any programming language and thorough commenting will be appreciated. We would also appreciate your including a header that describes the intent, input, and output of your scripts and functions.

Non-inclusive categories we hope to include:

  • Diurnal variation
  • Radiation and cloudiness
  • Microclimate models
  • Biophysical and energy balance models


## Function name
## Function description
## Input
## Output


Google Drive

2. Thermal images of plants and animals and their environment

Given the proliferation of inexpensive thermal cameras (particularly those that attach to cell phones, e.g., FLIR ONE, Seek), we hope to create an online community to share and disseminate thermal images for education and research. Images of both organisms and habitats would be appreciated. We intend to eventually create a Flicker community. We would appreciate image metadata (where, when, what, camera type) either imbedded in the images or in a separate document.


Google Drive
